Sep 10, 2024 · the head of the bank of canada says he’s hoping that recent cuts to the benchmark interest rate will help to reignite hiring among canadian businesses amid signs the. 14 hours ago · the canadian economy generated 91,000 jobs in december, beating economist estimates and pushing down the unemployment rate to 6. 7 per cent from 6. 8 per cent the. 18 hours ago · odds of an interest rate cut at the bank of canada’s first rate decision of the year on jan. 29 shrank to 61 per cent, down from 70 per cent before the jobs data, according to. The canadian economy generated 91,000 jobs in december, beating economist estimates and pushing down the unemployment rate to 6. 7 per cent from 6. 8 per cent the month before.
That's led to a steady rise in the unemployment rate,. 15 hours ago · canada’s labour market finished last year on a strong note, adding four times more jobs than expected and calling into question another bank of canada rate cut later this month.